The MYSTIC Open Toolkit takes all of the learning from developing, delivering and evaluating the MYSTIC programmes and integrates it into a set of resources for organisations and individuals who work with young people ‘on the margins’. On the one hand, the Open Toolkit provides Guidelines, procedures, tools and good practice examples to support the successful transferability of the MYSTIC programme itself. But more broadly, it’s essentially a ‘User Manual’ for anyone who is interested in creating successful interventions that change young people’s lives for the better. In this context, MYSTIC provides a template for success.

The main objectives of the Open Toolkit are:

  • to inform Toolkit users of what the MYSTIC programme is about and show them which tools and practices it can provide to help design a successful intervention in the youth field
  • to show users how to access the programme tools and practices
  • to provide users with Guidelines, advice and tools on how to adapt the programme, and its tools and practices, to suit their own context and needs.

Further Reading / Extras

Resources: Manuals and Guidelines Access downloadable documents outlining the operational phases of the MYSTIC programme.

Best Practices: Collection of case studies and successful intervention testimonials.

Digital Tools: Catalogue of online resources and interactive tools to facilitate project design and management.


  • Familiarisation with the MYSTIC programme: in-depth exploration of available tools and services.
  • User needs analysis: assessment of the specific needs of the target youth group.

Primary Task of this Step

The Primary Task of Step 1 is to familiarize yourself with the MYSTIC programme and the tools and services it has to offer, so you can then make decisions about how you need to adapt them to suit your own intervention.

Guiding Principles

● Make sure you and relevant people in your organization familiarize yourselves with the MYSTIC programme and the tools and services it can provide

● Understand that the programme is designed to be flexible - its methodology and tools are adaptable to suit the needs of different kinds of organisations and young people

● Watch the MYSTIC videos provided on the MYSTIC website so you know how to run the different programmes

● Take a tour of the programmes and explore how they works

Checklist of Actions
MYSTIC Tour Guide


  • Developing the Theory of Change: defining objectives and expected outcomes.
  • Identifying stakeholders: mapping key players and their roles.

Primary Task of this Step

The Primary Task of Step 3 is to define the intervention ‘journey’ of your intervention – from the challenge it is presented with at the start of the journey to where it hopes to be at the end.

Guiding Principles

  • Be clear who your target users are for your programme and what their needs are
  • Compare your user needs against what the programme can provide
  • Develop a vision for the programme that is user-led
  • Ensure the program is co-designed in collaboration with your target group
Checklist of Actions
Tools to help you develop a theory of change
Produce a Theory of Change (Post-it method)
Produce a Theory of Change (Diagram method)


  • Designing the intervention: defining strategies and concrete actions.
  • Implementation planning: developing a detailed operational plan.

The Primary Task of Step 5 is to use the results of Step 1 – ‘Familiarisation with MYSTIC’ – and Step 3 – Developing a Theory of Change - to adapt the MYSTIC Programme framework and tools to your own needs and the needs of your users.

In particular this Task aims to convert the overall programme vision and Theory of Change developed in Step 1 into your own specific programme design and implementation plan.



  • Programme execution: practical implementation of activities.
  • Mentoring and support: continuous support for participants.
The Primary Task of Step 7 is to empower yourself, your delivery team and participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively engage with and support disadvantaged young people, including those with diverse learning and developmental needs


  • Impact assessment: analysing the results achieved.
  • Sustainability and scalability: strategies to maintain and expand interventions.
The Primary Task of this Step is to design and implement an evaluation plan for your programme which will support progress monitoring and the collection of evidence of whether and in what ways the programme works, for whom and under what circumstances.

Empowering Youth to Shape the Future

With the tools provided by MYSTIC Project

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only
and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither
the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
