Foundation Course for Community Mediators and Community Leaders
Welcome to MYSTIC Foundation Course that is designed to help you and your peers unlock your potential. We want to support youth organisations and youth workers to become more innovative and support young people to improve their opportunities.
It does this by training Youth Workers, Social Workers, Volunteers, and Young People interested in youth work in new roles as Community Mediators and Community Leaders.

Foundation Course Registration: (e-course)
The course is available in 6 Languages (English, Greek, Spanish, Romanian, Italian, Portuguese). Before you can enrol on the self-paced e-course, please complete the form below.
Participation in this Foundation Course for Community Mediators and Community Leaders is a prerequisite for the Immersive Mobility Programme (IRP) in Portugal.
You can only join the Immerisve Residential Programe if you have completed the online course AND you have been accepted on the IRP programme through one of the MYSTIC partners - KETHEA, ADFP, OTI, TUCEP and CPIP.
Due to funding requirements, the IRP only accepts participants from the countries in which these partners operate, i.e. Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Italy and Romania. However, the online course is open to everyone.
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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only
and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither
the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.